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1. Curtis P., Legendre C., Guery O. (1988) Long-term efficacy, clinical and biochemical tolerance of Tertatolol in the treatment of hypertensive non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Included in application for U.K. registration and Product Licence for Tertatolol. Submitted by Servier Laboratories, France, to Committee for the Safety of Medicines, U.K., 1988.
2. Curtis P., Amso N., Keith E., Bernard A., Shaw R.W. (1991) Evaluation of the risk of pelvic infection following trans-vaginal oocyte recovery. Human Reprod.6:1294-1297.
3. Curtis P., Burford G., Amso N., Keith E., Shaw R.W. (1991) Assessment of the relevance of zona pellucida antibodies in serum and cervical mucus in patients who have fertilisation failure during in vitro fertilisation. Fertil. Steril. 56:1124-1127.
4. Amso N., Curtis P., Preutthipan S., Keith E., Bernard A., Shaw R. W. (1991) A Randomised Controlled trial of in vitro fertilisation and uterine embryo transfer (IVF/UET) vs. tubal embryo transfer (IVF/TET) in the management of idiopathic and male infertility. Human Reprod. 6 (suppl.l):128-129.
5. Hoghton M., Hogston P. MCQs for the DRCOG. Churchill Livingstone (1991) Contributions to questions and assistance with editing.
6. Curtis P., Amso N., Parnaby RM., Kibbler C.C., Shaw R. W. (1992) Successful twin delivery despite proven intraperitoneal chlamydia infection at implantation. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 99:263-264.
7. Curtis P., Shepherd J., Lowe D.G., Jobling, T. (1992) The role of partial colpectomy in the management of persistent vaginal neoplasia after primary treatment. Br. J. Obst. Gynaecol. 99:587-589.
8. Jackson A.E., Curtis P., Shaw, R. W. (1992) Changes to our health service: is there a cost to the infertile patient? J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 12:214-216.
9. Bernard A., Hunter J.E., Fuller B.J., Imoedembe D., Curtis P., Jackson, A. (1992) Fertilization and embryonic development of human oocytes after cooling. Human Reprod. 7:1447-1450.
10. Fuller B.J., Hunter J.E., Bernard A.G., McGrath J.J., Curtis P., Jackson A.E. (1992) The permeability of unfertilised oocytes to 1,2 propanediol: A comparison of mouse and human cells. Cryo-Letters 13:287-292.
11. Curtis P., Jackson A.E., Shaw R. W. (1992) Computer-Assisted Semenanalysis (CASA): Using Celltrack-S in a clinical and research setting. In: Current Perspectives in Healthcare Computing, B. Richards ed. Br. J. Healthcare Computing, p.527.
12. Curtis P., Jackson A.E., Shaw R. W. (1992) Compulsory HIV testing: Should all couples be screened prior to assisted conception? J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 12:421-424.
13. Jackson A.E., Curtis P., Amso N., Shaw R. W. (1992) LHRH agonists: exposure in early pregnancy following the commencement of mid-luteal buserelin for IVF stimulation. Hum. Reprod. 7:1222-1224.
14. Curtis P., Lindsay P., Jackson A.E., Shaw R. W. (1993) Adverse effects on sperm movement characteristics in patients with minimal and mild endometriosis. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 100:165-169.
15. Jobling T., Shepherd J., Curtis P., Lowe D.G. (1993) Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a human amnion neovagina. J. Gynaecol. Surg. 9:53-57
16. Curtis P., Jackson A.E., Bernard A., Shaw R. W. (1993) Pretreatment with Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone analogue (GnRH) prior to in vitro fertilisation for patients with endometriosis. Eur. J. Obstet. Gyneco. Reprod. Biol. 52:211-216.
17. Michael A.E:, Pester L.A., Curtis P., Shaw R.W., Edwards C.R.W. Cooke B.A. (1993) Direct inhibition of ovarian steroidogenesis by cortisol and the modulatory role of 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Clin. Endocrin. 38:641-644.
18. Waller K.G., Lindsay P., Curtis P., Shaw R. W. (1993) The prevalence of endometriosis in women with infertile partners. Eur .J.Obstet.Gynecol.Reprod.Biol. 48:135-9.
19. Preutthipan S., Amso N., Curtis P., Shaw R.W. (1994) A prospective randomized crossover comparison of zygote intrafallopian transfer and in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer in unexplained infertility. J. Med. Assoc. Thai. Nov;77(11):599-604.
20. Downey G.P., Gabriel G., Deery A.R.S., Crow J., Curtis P., Walker P.G. (1994) Management of female prisoners with abnormal cervical cytology. Br.Med.J. 309:22.
21. Downey G.P., Jackson A.E., Curtis P., Walker P.G. (1994) Colposcopy: is it necessary in the follow-up of patients treated by cervical conization? J.Obstet. Gynaecol.
22. Curtis P., Boumas N. Magos A. (1995) Simple equipment to facilitate operative laparoscopic surgery. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 102:48-497.
23. Curtis P., Berger L., Nicholas O., Shaw R. W. (1995) The ultrasound diagnosis and clinical significance of varicocele. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynaecol. 6: 186-190.
24. Preutthipan S., Amso N., Curtis P., Shaw R.W. (1996) Effect of maternal age on clinical outcome in women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer(IVF-ET). J. Med. Assoc. Thai; 79(6):347-52.
25. Preutthipan S., Amso N., Curtis P., Shaw RW. (1996) The influence of number of embryos transferred on pregnancy outcome in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer (IVF ET) J. Med. Assoc. Thai.; 79(10):613-7.
26. Phillps M., Curtis P., Karanjia N. (2004) An elemental diet for bowel obstruction in pregnancy : a case study. J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet. 17(6):543-545.
Paul Curtis Practice
46 Harvey Road, Guildford, GU1 3LX, United Kingdom